About Us

Specialty Campaigns :

Victory over Disease Campaign: A novel campaign was undertaken to boost up the morale of the chronic chest patients. The principle was that, a diagnostic camp of chest Disease was organised. Patient who had a well controlled chronic chest disease; and who also indulged in social services were selected for public felicitation. There were 10 such patients from various states.

Smt. Sudha Chandran, a famous actress and dancer with amputated leg was invited for the function, and these selected patients were felicitated at her hands in Feb. 1988. This ennovative idea was deeply appreciated by the top health officials.

“Jinka Dama” – a Video Film :

There is no systematic efforts from medical fraternity about imparting the preventive health enduction to the patients of Bronchial Asthma. We therefore, prepared a Marathi Video Film on Bronchial Asthma and Allergy. This film named ‘Jinka Dama’ was also appreciated by the authorities in the field and Deputy Director of Health Department, Maharashtra Government used this Video film for the health education of asthma patients in the State. We use it for the same purposes in our asthma camps.

Conquer Asthma Campaign :

A comprehensive scheme is formulated for the effective health enduction of Bronchial Asthma patients. This campaign consists of thorough clinical examination, allergy testing with selected allergens and preventive health education by printed pamphlets. Demonstrations, video film etc. A meticulous follow up is also done. The findings of the campaigns were read in the XII National congress on Respiratory Diseases Madras, 1994.Survey of allergic diseases in school children- In 2011. 1000 school children of Pune Municipal Corporation was conducted successfully.


Marathi book- ALLERGY – recommended by education department , government of Maharashtra for student ‘s reading

Marathi magazine- Sharirswasthya was run for 6 yrs for health education of Marathi patients


A) Ph.D. Study:


Ph.D.—University of Pune

Guide- Dr. K.H.Sancheti

  • Dr. Varudkar’s Pleuroscopy Conduit
  • Endoscopy- Image Recording assistant Device
  • Survey of Allergic Rhinitis and Bronchial Asthma in children.
  • Preparation of 3-D model of tracheobronchial tree.
  • Varudkar’s video recording attachments for endoscope.
  • Development of software to measure the internal diameters of the tracheobronchial tree
  • Corticosteroids in the management of Tubercular Pleural Effusion: Published in Medical Journal of Western India, Feb 78-79
  • Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Children: Published in Rural Pediatrics Feb 1984
  • Bilateral Supra and Infra Tentorial and Chronic Subdural Haematomas; Published in Neurology India, 36:320, 1988.
  • Congenital Tubercular Pleural Effusion In the Baby Of Healthy Mother; Published in Indian Journal Of Tuberculosis; July 1999.
  • Fiber optic Bronchoscopy. PHRC Bulletin,July1999;15:8-9
  • Foreign body in pleural space; Alokan 1999.
  • Fiber optic Bronchoscopy: published in PHRC bulletin, July 1999: No.15: page numbers 8-9.
  • Bronchial asthma-Theory and practice: published in Current Medical trends. July-Sept 2000, Vol. 4, and No3: 795-796.
  • Statistical Audit of ‘Conquer Asthma Campaign ’Chest (India Edition)Nov.2001;2; 6(Suppl);S53
  • Bronchial Asthma; PHRC Bulletin,Oct-Dec.;15 :8-9
  • Newer diagnostic modalities of TB: published in Medical Journal of Western India. October 2003, Vol. 3: 111-115.
  • Prevention of resistance to new anti-TB drugs: Letter published in Lung India. 2005. Vol. 22, No.4: 142
  • Experience of Fiber Optic Bronchoscope in ;a Rural hospital. Navin Shodh Sansar; ISSN2320-87671(iii) July- Sept201326-27
  • 3RD price for oral presentation in 5th National Conference of Indian Academy of Allergy – Nov 2002.
  • First award- for Thoracoscopy through indigenous conduits-National Medical Update. Bhopal 2012
  • Third award- for Churgh Strauss Syndrome- National Medical Update. Bhopal 2012
  • First award – Indigenous pleuroscopic conduit BRONCOCON 2013 Baroda Feb.2013

Newer antibiotics with Anti-Tubercular activity: Current Medical Trends

  • “Exercise Induced Bronchial Asthma”. At Maharashtra state Conference on Sports Medicine, Ahmednagar. Feb. 1988.
  • Summary of 148 Cases of Respiratory Allergy in Clinical Practice” at 28th annual Conference of Indian Medical Association, Maharashtra State Branch, Ratnagiri , Nov.1988.
  • “Survey of Nasobronchial Allergy inn the Residents in the Vicinity of Garbage Dumping Ground of Kothrud- with Reference to Insects, Fungus, and Dermatophagoids Dermal Sensitivity” At 20th National Conference of Indian Association Of Preventive and Social Medicine, pune.21-23 Nov 1990
  • Review of 48 Cases of Respiratory Allergy in Clinical Practice: Presented at 10th Respiratory Congress, Mumbai.Dec.1990. Profile of Chest Pain: Indian Medical Association, Pune, Jan .1991. Eosinophilic Myalgia; 11th national Congress on Respiratory Diseases, Kozikhode, Feb.1992.
  • Importance of Preventive Measures in Bronchial Asthma: 12th National Congress on Respiratory Diseases, Chennai, Jan. 1994.
  • Case –Report- Primary Tracheo-bronchial Amyloidosis: Presented at 6th National Conference on Bronchology Jaipur, Oct. Dec. 2000.
  • Case Report- a Pleural Foreign body Retrieved with Flexible Fiber optic Bronchoscope: 7th National conference on Bronchology, New Delhi, and Oct.2001.
  • Poster Presentation-Bronchial Asthma Primary prevention, at 16th Asia –Pacific congress on Chest Diseases (APCDC) Mumbai, Nov. 2001.
  • Poster Presentation- 7th International Conference on Bronchology and Respiratory Diseases, Hyderabad, Feb.2002.
  • Poster presentation:’ Conquer Asthma Campaign ‘at 5th national Conference On Allergy and Aerobiology, Pune, Dec2002.
  • Oral Presentation: ‘Bronchial Asthma-Theory and Practice’ at 5th National Conference on Allergy and Aerobiology’ Pune.Dec.2002.
  • At 5th National Conference on Allergy and Aerobiology’ Pune.Dec.2002.
  • Poster Presentation: 'Lung Cancer Presenting as lung Cancer-4 Cases' NAPCON 2002
  • Newer Diagnostic Modalities of Tuberculosis, M.M. Modi, et al. Medical Journal of Western India 2003;Vol.31:111-115
  • “Preventability of bronchial asthma” at 6th National Conference of Indian academy of allergy at Vishakhapattanam in January 2005
  • “Experience of visiting bronchologist” at BRONCHOCON-2006 at Chennai in January 2006.
  • “Preparation of 3-D model of tracheobronchial tree” at BRONCHOCON-2006 at Chennai in January 2006.
  • “ Invasive and non-invasive management of C.OPD” Guest lecture delivered at NATCON-2006 at Lukhnow in February 2006
  • “ Comparison between Rheumatoid Arthritis and Bronchial Asthma” presented in 43rd National Conference of allergy and applied Immunology at Jalandar Dec 06.
  • “Correlation of symptoms and allergy tests of the patients of Bronchial asthma- a retrospective study” 43rd National Conference of allergy and applied Immunology at Jalandar Dec 06.
  • NAPCON-07 National Conference on Respiratory Diseases, Chandigad attended

Important Events

Kothrud suburb of Pune has a very big garbage dumping ground Naturally it was the filthiest place in the city. We Tackled this problem differently. The survey of nasobronchial allergy in the resident around garbage dumping ground was done by us . This survey showed that there were significantly more dermal sensitivities for insects , fungi, and dust-mites in this population. The report of its finding was read in 26th National Conference of Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine, Pune, 1990. It caught the attention of lay press and gained popularity state wide. A Legislative assembly question was asked by then MLA, Mr. Anna Joshi about this during subject.

Consequently the approach of the health authorities, politicians was changed by this research paper only. They made drastic changes in timings, more important in the methods of garbage transport.Now Kothrud has become a clean place to live.This is an impressive example how a physician single handedly can solve a major health problem of his community.


To impart the health education in Marathi, our Trust started a monthly magazine named SHARIRSWASTHYA in Jan 1993. It was popular amongst readers due to some unavoidable circumstances, the magazine is at present not in publication but there is a pressing demand from the readers. We therefore are going to restart as soon as there are favorable circumstances.

The IEC Project on AIDS

A project named “Involvement of lodge managers in the prevention of AIDS” was sponsored by the Director of Health, Maharashtra Government, Mumbai vide office order No. DHS/AIDS/GIA/IEC Project/95 dated 19.6.95.

We appointed a Health Visitor and an assistant for this project. The responsibility of project Director was undertaken by Dr. H.G. Varudkar. The broad outlines of the project are as follows :-

50 lodges were selected from Pune city to participate voluntarily in this project. The lodge managers were trained about AIDS and their expected role in prevention. These lodges are to be followed up for one year to seek their co-operation. Supplies of condoms, posters, booklets, stickers etc. about AIDS in customers were the activities under this programme.

Executive Summary

Ph. D Thesis submitted to the University of Pune

Immunological Evaluations in Patients of Rheumatoid Arthritis Download*

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